How to Automate your whatsapp using Python in Just 2 lines of Code.

Whatsapp text Automation is a very easy process. Please follow these simple steps:

Step 1:

Firstly you need a Python IDE to run the Python code. or Whatsapp automation code.
so, I prefer you to download the PyCharm code Editor.

Step 2:

You need to install the latest version of Python. for that you simply go to your Search engine and type 
"download python". and then go to their official website and download the python. and simply install it as like you install another software.

Step 3:

After the installation of Python IDE & Python. you need to install a package called Pywhatkit to install this package. 
Simply go to your terminal and type "pip install pywhatkit". 

Step 4:

After the above installation. now make a new project. and then make a python file. named (eg:

Step 5:

It's time to type those 2 lines of Python Code.

Step 6:

Run the code and see the magic.

Note: Your machine should be connected through the internet. otherwise, its note completes the task.
