Video to Audio converting software using Python


Video to Audio converting software using Python

In this post, I'll tell you how you can create a video to Audio converting software using Python. 
Step by Step

Step 1: 

Firstly, you need an IDE or a code editor for writing your code. personally, I am using Pycharm.

Step 2:

Create a new file with any Name.

Step 3:

Install a python package ( pip install moviepy )

Step 4: Source Code👇🏻

 import moviepy.editor
from tkinter.filedialog import *

video = askopenfilename()
video = moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip(video)
audio =

audio.write_audiofile("name of file.mp3")

Step 5:

Run, and after running the code a new window will pop up to choose the targeted video file to convert.

Watch the Video tutorial for a better understanding.
